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                            Volume 30 Issue 11
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                            Tuesday 16th April 2024

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                                                Mrs Catherine O'Kane
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        Mrs Catherine O'Kane
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            <p>Dear Parents and Caregivers</p><p>Like the rest of the world, our All Hallows community watched in horror as the situation unfolded at Bondi on Saturday, and we continue to pray for those families who have experienced tremendous loss and for the people of Sydney. Events such as this remind us of the important partnership we have with you to raise a generation of young women ready to embark on their life journey<i>&nbsp;</i>with courage and compassion<i>.</i> As the coverage of the attack continues, amid the horror, there were many stories of courage from victims and first responders who have been enfolded in a wave of compassion and gratitude. We keep all those affected by this tragedy in our prayers and we pray especially for those who have lost their lives – May they rest in peace; May perpetual light shine upon them.</p><p>Children are especially sensitive to the intense media coverage of such events, and I encourage you to consider your daughter’s social media use over the coming days.&nbsp; It's essential to maintain open lines of communication and to encourage your daughter to express her feelings and fears and reassure her about her safety. Limiting social media at this time is not about concealing events but rather about providing young people with the tools and the resilience to navigate through it. Let us remember to highlight the good in the world, reminding our children that kindness, compassion, and humanity prevail. Together, we can foster a sense of security and optimism in our children, guiding them through these challenging times with love and understanding.&nbsp; The&nbsp;ABC&nbsp;has produced an excellent resource that may be useful for you and your family in coping with this traumatic event.</p><p><strong>ABC resource</strong> <a href=";utm_medium=content_shared&amp;utm_campaign=abc_news_app&amp;utm_content=mail">How to cope with traumatic news</a></p>
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            <h5><strong>International tours&nbsp;</strong></h5><p>Over the Easter break, some of our students had the incredible opportunity to participate in immersive experiences overseas, where they developed their skills, learnt about different cultures, and created lifelong memories.&nbsp;</p><p>Two teams of AHSisters attended the Petero Civoniceva Foundation <strong>Touch Football Festival in Fiji</strong>, where they participated in training clinics and friendly matches with several local schools. Students were also warmly welcomed into a local village, where they learnt about village life, participated in traditional ceremonies and dances, and planted more than 100 trees as part of the national environmental conservation program.&nbsp;</p>

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            <p>Our <strong>Japanese cultural exchange</strong> was perfectly timed to coincide with Sakura (cherry blossom) season, with nature’s beauty providing a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of Tokyo. Our students delighted in developing their Japanese language skills, experiencing the rich culture, delicious food, and Shinkansen (bullet trains), and visiting some of the country’s iconic landmarks, including Miyajima Island, Hiroshima, and several picturesque temples and shrines.&nbsp;</p>

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            <p>Meanwhile, other AHSisters participated in our <strong>USA Dance Tour</strong> to New York City where they toured Radio City Music Hall, participated in dance classes, and learnt about the importance of precision from a current Rockette. They also studied the Graham Technique, made famous by American dancer and choreographer Martha Graham, while finding time to take in the many sights of the Big Apple, including Central Park, Broadway and the Statue of Liberty.&nbsp;</p>

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            <p>We offer our deep thanks to all staff who organised and chaperoned our students, and we appreciate them generously giving their time to provide these once-in-a-lifetime opportunities for our students:</p><p><strong>Japanese Language Immersion&nbsp;</strong></p><p>Ms Mitmannsgruber (tour organiser) and Mr Adamson.</p><p><strong>USA Dance Tour&nbsp;</strong></p><p>Ms Scott (tour organiser), Ms Day, and Ms Malone.</p><p><strong>Fiji Touch Football Tour&nbsp;</strong></p><p>Ms Couvalias (tour organiser), Mr Dart, Mrs Hiscox, Mrs McDonald and Mr Simmons-Bliss.</p>
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            <h5><strong>Year 11 Soiree</strong></h5><p>Excitement is building among our Year 11 students for this Saturday evening’s Soiree that will be held at Victoria Park Golf Club. It is always a highly anticipated event at which our students make lasting memories, with laughter, dancing and friendship taking centre stage.&nbsp; I thank Ms Havers and Mrs Liyanagedera for their organisation of the evening and the Heads of House, Leadership Team members and all staff who will be in attendance on the evening providing supervision.</p><p>While their daughters enjoy the Soiree, our Year 11 parents and caregivers will enjoy a special evening of Mercy hospitality at their year level event in the same precinct.&nbsp; I extend a special thank you to the Mothers’ Network and our parent volunteers for organising this very special event.&nbsp;</p>
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            <h5><strong>Mercy Partners Education Leaders Gathering&nbsp;</strong></h5><p>Last Thursday, All Hallows’ was proud to host a gathering of education leaders from Mercy Partners’ schools from Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. This was a special occasion as it is the first time leaders from the nine Mercy Partners’ schools have come together to collaborate on topics including the use of Artificial Intelligence in education and the national education agenda, and the first gathering of education leaders since 2019.</p><p>While Mercy Partners was established by the Brisbane Sisters of Mercy, it is a multi-charism Public Juridic Person (PJP) that is now the canonical sponsor for schools founded by five different religious orders.&nbsp; Together with our School Board, I am very appreciative of the support and interest that the Mercy Partners Board take in our school and I am particularly appreciative of the interest that Mr Kieran McCarthy, Mercy Partners’ Deputy Chair, takes in all aspects of the life of our school as we seek to bring life to Catherine McAuley’s charism of Mercy in every aspect of our holistic education programs.&nbsp;</p><p>May God bless our school community this term and guide us to <i>Listen with Curiosity, Speak with Courage and Act with integrity.&nbsp;</i></p><p><i><strong>Mrs Catherine O’Kane</strong> (Principal)</i></p>
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                                                Dean of Mission
                                                                                                                <article id="perfect-love-the-accidental-easter-message" class="newsletter-article">
        Perfect Love - The Accidental Easter Message
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            <p>While it was totally unplanned and, at the time, felt like things had been ruined for our Easter Liturgy, the breaking of the word LOVE carried with it an important message. For context, on the last day of Term 1, staff and students witnessed a moving retelling of the Passion story. Through movement, music, dance, and word, we heard about Jesus' greatest sacrifice so that we might live hope-filled lives.</p><p>The liturgy relied on the use of shadows behind a white screen. The shapes created from wooden letters, boxes, palms, people and a cross were the mechanism for the unfolding story. Within minutes of the liturgy's opening, the word LOVE fell from the top of the cross and the L was disconnected from the word. 'OVE' was all that could be salvaged and returned to the arm of the cross. What resulted was a prophetic symbol - the cross itself made the "L" to complete the word LOVE.</p><p>There is no more fortuitous accident than seeing the Easter message up there on stage. Jesus' death was his act of love. In Richard Rohr's words, "Jesus came to resolve the essential problem of hate," and LOVE is the answer.</p><p>In the final movement of the Easter liturgy, students performed a liturgical dance to&nbsp; Matt Mahr's "Because He Lives". I trust that in the weeks after Easter, we do not allow ourselves to forget the words from the song:</p><p><i>"Amen, Amen,</i></p><p><i>I'm alive. I'm alive because He lives"</i></p><p>This is our hope and our joy - the source of perfect LOVE.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
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        Blessing of McAuley Hall
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            <p>On the 20th of March, staff, students and invited guests gathered in the All Hallows' Chapel and then, McAuley Hall, to bless the renovated McAuley Hall building. Following a beautiful Acknowledgement of Country and Smoking Ceremony delivered by Kuku Yalanji man Marlon Riley, we entered the Chapel for a special blessing before proceeding for the official blessing of the building and plaque outside McAuley Hall.</p><p>As part of her words of thanks, Mrs O'Kane ran through the many 'lives' of McAuley Hall - a building that has gone from teachers' training college to primary classrooms and much more in between.</p><p>Constructed in 1958, McAuley Hall was named in honour of Catherine McAuley, the founder of the Sisters of Mercy, and was originally known as the Catherine McAuley Training College — home of the first Catholic Teachers’ Training College in Queensland. It served as both a college and residential accommodation for Sisters of Mercy who were training to teach in Catholic Schools, with the first lay trainee teachers admitted in 1973.</p><p>After the Sisters moved their teacher training programs to a new facility named McAuley College at Dutton Park,&nbsp; McAuley Hall provided accommodation for Sisters of Mercy From 1975 until 1985 and the classrooms were used for a variety of purposes including adult education classes run by the Institute of Faith Education.</p><p>1985 was a landmark year for All Hallows’ as this was the year that McAuley Hall was incorporated into our school and our Year 8 students were the proud occupants of the first air-conditioned classrooms at the school. When our present House System commenced in 2003, Adderton and Gorry Houses had their Home Rooms in this building and, in 2006 it became home for our reestablished primary school years for students in Years 5 to 7.</p><p>The move of Year 7 into the high school, together with the creation of the Potter Building in 2022 provided us with an opportunity to integrate the middle school library into the Potter Library space and this enabled the reimaging of McAuley Hall to house our expanded streams of Year 5 and 6 students.</p><p>The blessing liturgy provided a wonderful opportunity for many of the Sisters who studied, lived and taught in the building to revisit its story. It also provided an opportunity for blessings to be made upon the items, people and spaces which will be integral in the future education of our Primary students.</p><p>During the tour of the building which followed visitors were delighted to see the new classroom designs and contemporary furniture which will support the teaching and learning of our Years 5 and 6 students. They were also drawn to the timeline of Catherine McAuley's life and the beautiful graphic representations of the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy which incorporate line drawings by a contemporary of Catherine's, Clare Agnew.</p><p>Catherine McAuley’s inspiring vision to nurture women of faith, compassion, learning and leadership galvanized the talents of the Sisters of Mercy to deliver quality education to aspiring teachers as well as young women. We are blessed to be continuing their good work in this space today and into the future.</p>
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        Easter Appeal - Thank You
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            <p>Kitty's Room was once again overflowing with donated items as a result of the Term 1 Easter Appeal. Thank you to the many families who contributed to this material appeal, which allowed us to send items to the community in Cherbourg, Vinnies, the Romero Centre, DV Connect, and 3rd Space. As financial pressures increase in our current economic climate, the demand for basic food and sanitary products is increasing.&nbsp;</p><p>Please never underestimate the impact that each and every person who donates makes to those whom we support.</p>
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            <p><i><strong>Mrs Claire Easton</strong> (Dean of Mission).</i></p>
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                                                Liturgy Notice
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        Wednesday 17 April
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            <p>Liturgy will be celebrated in the Sophia Centre&nbsp;tomorrow morning at 8am.&nbsp;</p><p>The prayer will be led by Ally Bray’s Year 11 RML class and will focus on the theme ‘National Pets Day.’&nbsp;</p><p>All are welcome.&nbsp;</p>
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        What's On
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        Parent-Student-Teacher Feedback Meetings
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            <p><strong>The booking system will open on Wednesday 17 April at 7pm.</strong></p><p>As part of our commitment to fostering a strong partnership between parents, students, and teachers, we are pleased to invite you to our upcoming Parent-Student-Teacher Feedback Meetings.&nbsp;</p><p>These meetings provide an excellent opportunity for us to discuss your daughter’s learning progress and address any questions or concerns you may have.</p><h5><strong>Years 5 and 6&nbsp;</strong></h5><p>Wednesday 8 May</p><p>From 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM</p><p>10-minute meetings</p><h5><strong>Years 7 to 12</strong></h5><p>Thursday 2 May&nbsp;</p><p>Wednesday 8 May</p><p>From 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM</p><p>7-minute meetings</p><h5><strong>Purpose of the Meetings</strong></h5><p>Our dedicated teachers will share valuable insights about your daughter’s academic journey, highlighting her achievements, areas of improvement, and strategies for continued growth. We believe that open communication between parents and educators is essential for your daughter’s success, and these meetings allow us to collaborate effectively.</p><h5><strong>Booking System</strong>&nbsp;</h5><p>We will be using the TASS Parent Teacher Interviews booking system&nbsp;</p><ul style="list-style-type:circle;"><li>The booking system will open on <strong>Wednesday, 17 April</strong> at 7pm (Not 17 May as advised in the parent email you received)</li><li>The booking system will close on <strong>Friday, 26 April</strong> at 10am (Not 26 May as advised in the parent email you received)</li><li>Teaching staff take great care to prepare for these meetings and need time to complete this preparation. No requests for meetings can be accommodated after this cut-off period.</li><li>The booking system will close on Friday, 26 April at 10am</li><li>Teaching staff take great care to prepare for these meetings and need time to complete this preparation. No requests for meetings can be accommodated after this cut-off period.</li></ul><h5><strong>How to book meetings</strong></h5><ul style="list-style-type:circle;"><li>Use your new School Logon to access the Parent Hub</li><li>Navigate to the TASS Parent Lounge (this is the same place where you accessed Term 1 Interim Reports)</li><li>Choose Parent Teacher Interviews from the menu on the left-hand side of the Parent Lounge</li><li>Detailed instructions can be found below</li></ul><p><strong>Instructions</strong></p><p><a href="">Instructions for booking Parent Student Teacher feedback meetings Years 5 and 6</a></p><p><a href="">Instructions for booking Parent Student Teacher feedback meetings Years 7 to 12</a></p><p><strong>Issues</strong></p><p>If you experience any issues with your School Logon or accessing the Parent Hub,, please email&nbsp;<a href=""></a>&nbsp;or call +61 7 3230 9546.&nbsp;</p><p>We look forward to meeting you and discussing your daughter’s progress. Your active participation plays a crucial role in shaping her educational experience.</p><p>Thank you for your continued support.</p><p><i><strong>Ms Carolyn Liddy</strong> (Deputy Principal).</i></p>
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        Anzac Day Assembly 19/4 Service Medals
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            <p>Tighe House will be delivering an ANZAC Day themed prayer at this Friday’s assembly.&nbsp;</p><p>At a point in the prayer, <strong>students who have service medals belonging to their families will be invited to stand at the edges of the seats. They will stand in silence with bowed heads.&nbsp;</strong></p><p>If staff have any service medals from family members who have served in the armed forces, they are also invited to wear their medals and stand.</p><p>Students have permission to wear the medals on Friday during the day. This will allow them to tell the story of those who have served. If students ask:</p><ul style="list-style-type:disc;"><li>Siblings can stand together if there is only one set of medals (perhaps they can share them throughout the day)</li><li>Medals must be removed before travelling home</li><li>Medals should be worn on the <strong>right side</strong> if they are not the original recipient of the medal</li></ul><p>Thank you for your support of this initiative as we mark ANZAC Day.</p>
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                                                Parent &amp; Caregiver Events
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        What's On
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            <p style="text-align:justify;"><strong>MNET Year-Level Events</strong></p><p style="text-align:justify;">Please see the Mothers Network section of this newsletter.</p><p style="text-align:justify;">&nbsp;</p><p style="text-align:justify;"><strong>Friday 17 May&nbsp;</strong></p><p style="text-align:justify;">Mothers Network May Morning Tea</p><p style="text-align:justify;">&nbsp;</p><h5 style="text-align:justify;"><strong>Save the Date&nbsp;</strong></h5><p style="text-align:justify;">&nbsp;</p><p style="text-align:justify;"><strong>Saturday 27 July</strong></p><p style="text-align:justify;">P&amp;F Father-Daughter Dinner</p><p style="text-align:justify;">&nbsp;</p><p style="text-align:justify;"><strong>Saturday 31 August</strong></p><p style="text-align:justify;">P&amp;F Riverfire and long supper on the Terrace</p><p style="text-align:justify;">&nbsp;</p><p style="text-align:justify;"><strong>Friday 18 October</strong></p><p style="text-align:justify;">P&amp;F AHS Sport Luncheon</p>
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                                                Head of Pastoral Care
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        Uniform Reminders for Term 2
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            <p><strong>School Tie - Rust side</strong></p><p>Please flip ties to the "Rust side" for Terms 2 and 3.</p><ul><li>Ensure&nbsp;School, House, and Award badges are also on the rust side</li><li>Remove all other badges (e.g. Red Bow Tie Day and other awareness-raising badges)</li></ul><p><strong>Blazers - compulsory from Week&nbsp;4</strong></p><p>Blazers are compulsory from the start of&nbsp;Week 4 of Term 2 until the conclusion of&nbsp;Week 4 of Term 3.</p><p>(Tuesday, 7 May – Friday, 2 August 2024).</p><ul><li>Students must wear a blazer to and from school</li><li>Blazers can be kept in lockers during the school day</li><li>Students may wear their blazers before/beyond these dates if the weather remains cool</li></ul><p><strong>School Jumpers/Vests&nbsp;</strong></p><p>Can be worn at any time over a formal uniform for added warmth under your blazer</p><p><strong>Tights</strong></p><p>Skin-coloured tights can be worn during the colder months and are available from the uniform shop and other shops</p><p>Tracksuit pants cannot be worn under your formal uniform</p><p><strong>Sports Uniform - Hoodies &amp; Tracksuit</strong></p><p>When wearing the sports uniform, students&nbsp;can wear&nbsp;the school hoodie or tracksuit jacket/pants</p><p>Hoodies cannot be worn with a formal uniform at any time</p><p><strong>Jewellery/Nail polish</strong></p><p>A small stud/sleeper may be worn in lower piercings only<br><br>Please remove all nail polish/shellac from your nails</p><p><strong>Label Uniform Items</strong></p><p>Please label all uniform items to easily identify them and return them to the owner if lost</p><p>Listing the House/HG is also encouraged (Catherine McAuley MC1)</p>
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                                                                            <div id="school-captains" class="category-heading">
                                                School Captains
                                                                                                                <article id="what-is-a-good-life" class="newsletter-article">
        What is a good life?
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            <p>Hello all,&nbsp;</p><p>WELCOME BACK- term 2! How good!&nbsp;</p><p>For anyone having any post-holiday blues—I feel you—but we have a ton of stuff to look forward to this term that will have you excited to be back in no time. We’ve got Culture Week, the Whole school production, Mental Health Week, Interhouse spirit cross country, Arts fest, bake sales, dance parties, Athletics Carnival, a few cheeky public holidays, and it's also only a nine-week term: we’ve got this!</p><p>In the spirit of&nbsp;<strong>24&nbsp;Like&nbsp;Never Before</strong>, this term ahead, give yourself a real chance to achieve whatever you are aiming for. No matter what happened last term, this is a fresh start!&nbsp;</p><p>So whether you’re trying to get 8 hours of sleep each night, to be involved in a new co-curricular, to do weekly maths review, or to spend more time with a friend you haven’t seen in a while, try to show up for yourself #onedayordayone (kidding but seriously).&nbsp;</p><p>My mum sent me this article from <i>Womankind </i>newsletter that I thought was a great message to take into this term. It said:&nbsp;</p><p style="text-align:center;"><i>“What is a 'good life'? What makes a life worth living? It's the one question that we'd all like to know the answer to, so we could just get on with it - the living part, that is. If we knew what the 'good life' entailed then we could shun the rest, and just concentrate on the important bits. But society has a tendency to derail us. We're repeatedly told that the good life is about making loads of money, having a successful career and buying as much as we can possibly shovel into our houses and garages. Some are convinced that they need to be famous and get their name up in lights for the good life to kick in. It's worth remembering that the phase of flight for the Kunanyia stephaniae butterfly lasts a mere 14 days, long enough for her to find a mate, have a family and watch the cycle of life turn again. Unlike the butterfly, we are blessed with time. Time is on our side. In the course of a lifetime, we can move mountains. so, what are we waiting for?”</i></p><p>It’s a good question! Every day doesn’t have to be some epic achievement: as it says, we are blessed with time, and some days are just about getting through them. But with everything this term could bring, why not strive to do something new you’re passionate about? There are so many exciting possibilities ahead :)&nbsp;</p><p>Bridget x</p>
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            <p><i><strong>Cristina Griffin&nbsp;</strong>&amp;<strong> Bridget Land&nbsp;</strong>(School Captains).</i></p>
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                                                Head of Years 5 &amp; 6
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        Y5 &amp; Y6 Liturgy
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                                                Mothers' Network
                                                                                                                <article id="upcoming-events" class="newsletter-article">
        Upcoming Events
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            <p><strong>Sunday 14 April&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>Year 7 Family Fun Day</strong></p><p>2pm – 5pm</p><p>Bulimba Golf Club, 105 Quay Street, Bulimba</p><p>$10 adult; $5 child</p><p><a href="">Year 7 - 2024 Family Fun Day (</a></p><p>Dawn Proctor&nbsp;</p><p><a href=""></a>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Friday 19 April&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>Year 5 Parents and Carers Event</strong></p><p>6.30pm – 10pm</p><p>Storey Bridge Hotel, 200 Main St, Kangaroo Point</p><p>$36 pp</p><p><a href="">Year 5 - 2024 Parents and Caregivers Event (</a></p><p>Katie Liebke&nbsp;</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Saturday 20 April</strong></p><p><strong>Year 11 Soirée - Parent &amp; Caregiver Function</strong></p><p>6.45pm-10.30pm</p><p>The Orchard, Victoria Park, 309 Herston Rd Herston</p><p>Pauline Love</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p>0420 283 414</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Sunday 21 April&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>Year 12 Mother/Caregiver and Daughter Brunch</strong></p><p>11am – 1pm</p><p>The Stratton Bar &amp;amp; Kitchen, 3 Stratton St, Newstead</p><p>Rebecca Lawrence&nbsp;</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p>0404 600 303</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Friday 26 April&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>Year 9 Mothers and Caregivers Lunch</strong></p><p>12pm – 3pm</p><p>Stanley Restaurant, Howard Smith Wharf, 5 Boundary Street, Brisbane City.</p><p>$70pp</p><p>Dress Code: Add a lot or a little of your House Colour!</p><p>RSVP 5pm on Friday 19 April 2024</p><p><a href="">Stanley Restaurant Events (</a></p><p>Jenny Barends&nbsp;</p><p><a href=""></a>&nbsp;</p><p>Jen Rosengren&nbsp;</p><p><a href=""></a>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Sunday 28 April&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>Year 8 Mother/Carer and Daughter High Tea</strong></p><p>2pm – 4pm</p><p>Victoria Park Marquee, Victoria Park, 309 Herston Road, Herston QLD</p><p>$50 pp</p><p><a href="">Year 8 - 2024 Mother/Carer &amp; Daughter High Tea (</a></p><p>Alex Hyndman Hill&nbsp;</p><p><a href=""></a>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h5>Save the Date</h5><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Sunday 19&nbsp;May&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>Year 12 Father/Caregiver &amp; Daughter Event</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><i><strong>Ms Regina Hefferan&nbsp;</strong>(Mothers’ Network Communications Secretary).</i></p>
                                                                            <article id="mmt-sponsorship-raffle-donations" class="newsletter-article">
        MMT Sponsorship &amp; Raffle Donations
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            <p>Planning is underway for the iconic All Hallows’ School May Morning Tea in May.&nbsp;</p><p>This beautiful event is much loved by our community and draws over 1,000 guests.&nbsp;</p><p>We invite businesses and individuals to be sponsors at various levels. Please find the attached brochure with sponsorship details and a link to the Sponsorship Form.</p><p>We also welcome cash or voucher donations of any value to be bundled into our fabulous raffle&nbsp;prizes.</p><p>Thank you in advance for your generous support!</p><p><a href="">MMT-2024-Sponsorship-Packages.pdf (</a></p>
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        MMT Tickets Closing Soon!
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            <p><img src="" alt=""></p><p>Tickets are on sale via the following link and will close at noon on Wednesday, May 1 (unless sold out sooner).&nbsp;The ticket price is $90 plus a processing fee.</p><p><a href="">2024 May Morning Tea Tickets, Fri 17/05/2024 at 9:30 am | Eventbrite</a></p><p>If you are purchasing for other guests, you&nbsp;<strong><u>MUST</u>&nbsp;</strong>include each person’s name, mobile number, and dietary requirements&nbsp;<strong><u>when you do so.</u></strong> (This enables us to contact all guests with potential queries and keep everyone updated.)</p><p>Tables are limited to 10 guests.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>We&nbsp;<strong><u>CANNOT</u>&nbsp;</strong>accommodate more than 10 guests on each table.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Tip : if you have a larger group, nominate 2 table captains and split the group across 2 tables.&nbsp; Let us know, and we will do our best to place your tables near each other.</p><p>If you are a table captain, please make sure anyone booking tickets to be on your table knows the&nbsp;<strong><u>exact</u></strong>&nbsp;name to use.&nbsp;&nbsp;Please specify first and last name.&nbsp;Don’t forget,&nbsp;the table&nbsp;limit is 10 people.</p><p>If your group is smaller than 10 people, you should still include a table captain when booking.&nbsp;&nbsp;We will seat you &amp; your pals together &amp; do our best to match you up with other ladies from your daughter’s year level.&nbsp;&nbsp;(Make sure you let us know what year level when booking!)</p>
                                                                            <article id="mmt-volunteers" class="newsletter-article">
        MMT Volunteers
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            <p>Our wonderful May Morning Tea is only possible thanks to the volunteers who help in many ways - before, during and after the event!</p><p>We especially encourage junior school Mums to get involved with the great wash-up party.&nbsp;</p><p>Washing 1000 of our beautiful AHS tea cups is a big undertaking but also a great way to meet new faces and have a chat.&nbsp;The team has the process to run like a well-oiled machine and takes about 1.5 hours - still plenty of time to get back to work or school pickup, or of course, the famous after party at the Normanby Hotel (all volunteers will be bussed to Normanby after the wash-up).&nbsp;<br><br>Volunteering is the best way to really be a part of the AHS May Morning Tea and a great way to meet others!&nbsp;</p><p>Please grab a friend and sign up today&nbsp;<a href="">2024 May Morning Tea Volunteer Sign Up</a>.</p><p><i><strong>Ms Regina Hefferan,</strong> (Mothers’ Network Communications Secretary).</i></p>
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                                                Past Pupils' Association
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        Sisters in the Spotlight
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            <h5>Sisters in the Spotlight</h5><p><strong>Tickets are on sale now!</strong></p><p><a href=""></a></p><figure class="image"><img src="" alt=""></figure>
                                                                            <article id="meet-our-amazing-panel" class="newsletter-article">
        Meet our amazing panel!
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            <h5>Ada Lukin (Class of 2020)</h5>
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            <p><strong>Genevieve Trace (Class of 2003)</strong></p>

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            <p><strong>Priscilla Jackman (Class of 1995)</strong></p>

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            <p><strong>Sophie Perkins (Class of 2012)</strong></p>

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