
Last Checked: May 23, 2023, 02:18 EDT

IP Address:
ASN #: AS16509 AMAZON-02, US
Location: Unknown, Unknown, Unknown
URL Reputation:
  • Unknown This URL is not identified as malicious in the PhishTank Database.
  • Unknown PhishCheck thinks this URL is likely not a phish.
  • Unknown OpenPhish: URL not in feed.

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Previous checks:

  • GET
    200 OK

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  <title>Global Self Service Portal</title>
  <meta name="description" content="Global self service portal for filing claim, manage policies, products and view claim history">
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    logWithTime('Index.html loaded');

    function clientShortId() {
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    function logWithTime(message) {
      console.log('[' + new Date().toISOString().slice(11, -1) + '] - ' + message);

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    function setupIceChat(siteSettings) {
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        chat.addEventListener("click", function () {
            'event': 'custom-chat',
            'eventCategory': 'Chat',
            'eventAction': 'Initiate Chat'

    function openIceChat() {

    function EtechButtonHandlerls(url, cb) {
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    // XP
    (function () {
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        logWithTime('Load resources...');
        var currentVersion = 'New';

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            // for dev and qa, return the whole URL with client-name
            // if site has an end slash, then remove it and return without that.
            hostname = (new URL(bases[0].href).href).replace(/\/$/, '');
          } else {
            hostname = new URL(bases[0].href).hostname;

        if (window.config.core.production == 'false' && localStorage.getItem('multiSiteClientLanguage-' + clientShortId()) !== null) {
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        } else {
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        // console.log(window.config.language);
        fetch(window.config.core.cmsApiUrl +
          '/resource/GetResourceVersionData?v=' + currentVersion +
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            headers: {
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              'Ocp-Apim-Trace': true,
              'HostUrl': window.config.hostUrl,
              'IsMultiLanguageClient': window.config.isMultiLanguageClient
        ).then(function (response) {

          window.config.supportsFetch = true;
          return response.json();
        }).then(function (myJson) {
          let version = myJson.version;
          if (myJson.Language !== undefined) {
            localStorage.setItem('language-' + clientShortId(), '"' + myJson.Language + '"');
            window.config.core.language = myJson.Language;
          if (myJson.settings !== undefined) {
            if(window.config.isMultiLanguageClient == 'true'){
              window.config.gtmClient = myJson.settings.portalSettings.Global_GTMClientName.Value;
                client: window.config.gtmClient, // name of client
            window.config.currentResourceVersion = version;
            window.config.siteSettings = myJson.settings;
            if (myJson.settings.Language !== undefined) {
              localStorage.setItem('language-' + clientShortId(), '"' + myJson.settings.Language + '"');
              window.config.core.language = myJson.settings.Language;
            logWithTime('XP Version & Settings loaded: ' + window.config.currentResourceVersion);
          } else {
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            if (window.config.core.clientCMS !== '') {
              version += '-' + window.config.core.clientCMS.substr(0, 8);
            } else {
            window.config.currentResourceVersion = version;

          // logWithTime('XP Version: ' + window.config.currentResourceVersion);

            window.config.core.cmsApiUrl +
            '/resource/siteResources?v=' + window.config.currentResourceVersion +
            '&language=' + window.config.core.language +
            '&homeComponents=' + window.config.core.homeComponents,
              headers: {
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                'ParentCMS': window.config.core.parentCMS,
                'ngsw-bypass': true,
                'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': window.config.apimSubscriptionKey,
                'Ocp-Apim-Trace': true,
                'HostUrl': window.config.hostUrl,
                'IsMultiLanguageClient': window.config.isMultiLanguageClient
            .then(function (response) {
              return response.json();
            .then(function (myJson) {
              logWithTime('XP Settings loaded.');
              window.config.siteSettings = myJson;
              localStorage.setItem('language-' + clientShortId(), '"' + myJson.Language + '"');
              window.config.core.language = myJson.Language;
              if(window.config.isMultiLanguageClient == 'true'){
                window.config.gtmClient = myJson.portalSettings.Global_GTMClientName.Value;
                  client: window.config.gtmClient, // name of client
              // console.log(window.currentResourceVersion);
      } catch (e) {
        window.config.supportsFetch = false;
        console.log("Browser doesn't support this feature");
        const isIE11 = /msie\s|trident\//i.test(window.navigator.userAgent);
        if (isIE11) {
          window.location.href = 'unsupported.html?language=' + encodeURIComponent(window.config.core.language);

    @media (max-width: 767px) {
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<!--Trust arc integration-->
  //This is your domain, as in, how you who are calling the API wish to be identified.
  var MY_DOMAIN = window.location.href;
  var _STATE = {};

  * Different pages add the Consent Manager in different locations, so all callers of the API must wait till
  * the API is loaded. The API is loaded in two stages:
  *      1) The first stage is where the "PrivacyManagerAPI" object exists on the page and where default and
  *         page/domain specific settings can be obtained. If your requirements demand user consent, you must wait
  *         for the second stage load, but it is always recommended to wait for the second stage no matter what.
  *         The "loading" parameter will be added to all API responses when the API is in this state.
  *      2) The second stage loads the user preferences and the domain specific information. If you made a
  *         postMessage API call during the first stage, then the API will automatically send you another, updated,
  *         response if the result has changed.
  function runOnce(){
    //CHECK: for API exists on the page
    if(!_STATE.hasRunOnce && window.PrivacyManagerAPI){
      console.log("doing run once");

      //Register with the API for automatic updates of user preferences (for the settings you care about)
      //--OR-- if the API is loading, then this will send an update when the API is done and has loaded the user preferences.
      window.addEventListener("message", function(e){
          var json = JSON.parse(;
          json.PrivacyManagerAPI && handleAPIResponse(json.PrivacyManagerAPI);
 != 'SyntaxError' && console.log(e);
      }, false);
      var apiObject = {PrivacyManagerAPI: { self: MY_DOMAIN, action: "getConsent" , timestamp: new Date().getTime(), type: "functional" }};,"*");
      apiObject = {PrivacyManagerAPI: { self: MY_DOMAIN, action: "getConsent" , timestamp: new Date().getTime(), type: "advertising" }};,"*");

      _STATE.hasRunOnce = true;
      _STATE.i && clearInterval(_STATE.i);

      * This function returns value of notice_behavior cookie to determine location and behavior manager based on domain.
  * When no notice_behavior cookie exists, this returns a blank string.
  function getBehavior() {
    var result = "";
    var rx = new RegExp("\\s*notice_behavior\\s*=\\s*([^;]*)").exec(document.cookie);
      result = rx[1];
    return result;

  * This function is called whenever a user preference is initially set, is retrieved for the first time on this page, or is updated.
  * This is the gateway function which should be customized by each client (you) to determine when and how to handle the API response.
  * The second half of the function determines settings from the CM API, and decides which elements on the page should be "activated" based upon those settings.
  * Elements can only be activated once. Elements can not be deactivated, once activated.
  function handleAPIResponse(response){
    //CHECK: make sure this response is to YOU. You will actually get the messages to all API callers on this page, not just to you.
    if(!response.source || response.self != MY_DOMAIN ) return;
    console.log("user decision",response);

    //Required trackers/cookies are always allowed, no need to ask permission.
    if( !_STATE.hasLoadedRequired ){
      _STATE.hasLoadedRequired = true;

    // Check if behavior manager is EU
    var isEU = /.*(,|)eu/i.test(getBehavior());

    //Case where we don't want to do anything till the user has made a preference.
    if(isEU && REQUIRE_USER_EXPRESSED_PERMISSION && response.source != "asserted" ) return;

    //Step 1) Get Consent Manager settings (user prefs)
    //        These API calls are DIFFERENT than the original API call ("response" parameter) so they must be called separately.
    //Step 2) Apply the settings after checking if approved
    var setting = null;
    if( !_STATE.hasLoadedAdvertising ){
      setting = PrivacyManagerAPI.callApi("getConsent", MY_DOMAIN , null ,null, "advertising");
      if( setting.consent=="approved" ){
        _STATE.hasLoadedAdvertising = true;
    if( !_STATE.hasLoadedFunctional ){
      setting = PrivacyManagerAPI.callApi("getConsent", MY_DOMAIN , null ,null, "functional");
      if( setting.consent=="approved" ){
        _STATE.hasLoadedFunctional = true;

          // No additional checking, this always fires, but only after a user has consented
    if( !_STATE.hasLoadedAnyConsent ){
      _STATE.hasLoadedAnyConsent = true;

    //check of vendor domain and fires if that domain is approved, which is based on how that domain was categorized on the backend
    var vendors = document.querySelectorAll(".trustecm[trackertype=vendor]");
    for (var i=0; i < vendors.length; i++) {
      var currentVendor = vendors[i];
      var vDomain = currentVendor.getAttribute("vsrc");
      if (vDomain && !_STATE['hasLoaded'+vDomain]) {
        setting = PrivacyManagerAPI.callApi("getConsent", MY_DOMAIN, vDomain);
        if( setting.consent=="approved" ){
          activateElement(document.querySelectorAll(".trustecm[trackertype=vendor][vsrc='"+ vDomain +"']"));
          _STATE['hasLoaded'+vDomain] = true;
  * Activates (runs, loads, or displays) an element based upon element node name.
  * @param {Array.<HTMLElement>} list
  function activateElement(list){
    if(!(list instanceof Array || list instanceof NodeList)) throw "Illegal argument - must be an array";
    console.log("activating", list);
    for(var item,i=list.length;i-- >0;){
      item = list[i];
      item.class = "trustecm_done";
        case "script":
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            y.src = z;
            y.async = item.async;
          }else eval(item.text || item.textContent || item.innerText);
  _STATE.i = setInterval(runOnce,10);
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